Dominion Energy Share Grant Funds Will Replace All HVAC Systems at Cynthianna
We are excited to receive funds from a grant the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) received from Dominion Energy Virginia.

In an October 29 press release, LEAP said, “The EnergyShare grant includes resources to replace old heating and cooling systems in 40 of the region’s mobile homes, an additional 10 system replacements in Albemarle County single-family homes, new systems for some of Piedmont Housing Alliance’s units, and health and safety repairs performed by Albemarle Home Improvement Program. 20 members of Piedmont Housing Alliance and LEAP’s existing staff will also receive additional training and certifications in HVAC systems, Retrofit Installer Technician, Energy Auditor, and Green Building management as part of the grant.”

The awarding of this grant is timely as we transition from warm to cold weather. Our community management team will use funds to replace all HVAC systems and thermostats at Cynthianna Avenue Duplex, a 6-unit apartment complex in the city of Charlottesville .
We will also use funds from the grant to provide HVAC Fundamentals training for maintenance staff and Green Housing Management training for community management staff. Community Housing Partners will provide the training,