Piedmont Housing Welcomes Marketing & Communications Intern
Piedmont Housing Alliance is happy to welcome a marketing and communications intern to our team. Charlotte Robbins joins us as part of the University of Virginia’s Internship Placement Program (IPP). Robbins is a second-year student at UVA on the pre-commerce or Economics track. She is interested in marketing and finance.
Charlotte is originally from from Scottsdale, AZ, but spends summers in Alexandria and Stafford, VA.
Telling us a little about herself, Charlotte says, “My passion is working with the local autism community, and I am lucky enough to be the Treasurer of the Autism Allies club at UVA. My recent hobby has been testing out recipes from Antoni Porowski’s cookbook (the chef from Netflix’s Queer Eye), and I think I have made the fish tacos one too many times.”
Keep cooking Charlotte and we’re happy to have you supporting our mission.