The Charlottesville Albemarle Affordable Housing Coalition (CHAAHC) 2021 Impact Report
The Charlottesville Albemarle Affordable Housing Coalition (CHAAHC) Supported Nearly 3,000 Households in Fiscal Year 2021
Together, the Charlottesville Albemarle Affordable Housing Coalition (CHAAHC) leveraged more than $30 million in private and public funding to serve nearly 3,000 households and 6,000 neighbors in Greater Charlottesville in fiscal year 2021.

“Over the last few years, CHAAHC organizations have built the critical relationships and partnerships with each other necessary to build a holistic housing ladder throughout our region,” Sunshine Mathon, the Executive Director of Piedmont Housing Alliance, shared. “This report reflects how we view our collective impact – no single organization can do its work well without collaboration with the others. In coming years, this collective impact will grow even more.”
Collaboration and support between housing-centered nonprofits—from homelessness prevention services to accessible and affordable rentals to home ownership to housing preservation—is increasingly important as families in the region face extraordinary housing challenges. Working together allows the organizations to strategically coordinate efforts to address the right for all community members to have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing.
“To end homelessness, we need affordable housing developers and service providers to partner, advocate for, and build housing across a spectrum of needs,” said Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH) Executive Director Anthony Haro. “Our partnership has led to meaningful projects like the Premier Circle Permanent Supportive Housing and affordable housing developments.”
“We’re better together,” noted Habitat for Humanity President and CEO Dan Rosensweig. “Working collaboratively and strategically, instead of in competition, the five organizations of CHAAHC have exponentially increased our impact, helping thousands of local families find a path to better housing.”
Jennifer Jacobs, Executive Director for AHIP, added, “The most important measure of our success is that all community members live in safe, stable, quality, and affordable homes, no matter what specific programs help them get there.”
You can read the full report online here.