Tips for Celebrating Mother’s Day in Quarantine
As COVID-19 and quarantine continue, so do special life moments and holidays. Mother’s Day is the first holiday we will celebrate as a nation in quarantine and while it may be tempting to break social distancing ranks to see the mother figures in your life, there are ways to celebrate and maintain a healthy distance.
- Schedule a video or phone chat. Mother’s Day is a great time to be intentional and schedule a phone or video chat. Include siblings, grandkids, friends or other family members. While we know this is not the same as all being together in one place, the intentionality behind it will be special.
- Support a local business and send flowers or a meal. Many local restaurants are offering Mother’s Day brunch boxes to go and many local florists are still open for delivery. If Mother’s Day brunch and flowers are part of you tradition, support a local business and maintain your tradition at the same time.
- Do a virtual workout, craft or game night together. Get creative and do a virtual workout or craft with via video together.
- Visit from afar. If you still want to see your mom, grandma, or another mother in person arrange a special drive by visit or window visit.
- Create a care package. Create a care package consisting of cards, personal care items, favorite snacks and leave it at the door.

No matter what you do, it will be special because you took the time to do it. If the person you wish to celebrate lives in a senior community, check with the community to see what’s the best way to still be present and see if management there has ideas.