Piedmont Housing Alliance Partners with Capital One to Provide Housing and Financial Counseling Services


A recent $10,000 grant from Capital One will support “Housing Counseling and Asset-Building” for low-income families in this high-cost housing area.  Through Piedmont Housing Alliance, this grant will provide residents in the Thomas Jefferson Planning District with free housing and financial counseling services.

The funding will enables Piedmont Housing to work with clients to improve their rental or credit situation, purchase a home, and avoid foreclosuBoom 4A.2 52907re, while connecting them with asset-building resources such as down payment assistance for home ownership and the Virginia Individual Development Account (VIDA) matched savings program.

Specifically, the grant supports Piedmont Housing Alliance’s Housing Counseling program that helps clients with very low to moderate incomes to maintain or improve their housing within a budget that also can support other basic needs and improve family economic stability. Certified housing counselors educate and coach clients on financial management, credit improvement, home purchase, and foreclosure prevention. The program, which serves approximately 300 new clients in one-on-one counseling and education each year in addition to ongoing clients, improves families lives and builds a stronger community by helping families get control of their household budget, walking them through the steps of becoming first time home buyers, keeping them from foreclosure, and securing a more stable financial future.

Read the story by The Daily Progress here.  And see the coverage also by NBC29 here.