Preventing Homelessness Takes A Village

When families are facing loss of their home as a result of default and possible foreclosure, Piedmont Housing becomes a force in the fight against homelessness.  We work with families who seek mortgage modifications, and we often continue to work with them to help them learn the money management skills that will keep them from returning to the brink of homelessness.

Others in our community perform similar rescue 05 18 15 LAJCoperations.  One of these is the Legal Aid Justice Center, which provides free legal services for those in poverty who are facing eviction.  As this article from the MacArthur Foundation reveals, while 90% of landlords have an attorney, only about 10% of those facing eviction have representation. Our system provides an attorney in criminal, not civil, cases.

Some cities, including San Francisco, Boston and New York, have created or are contemplating the “right to counsel” for those who face eviction.  These cities know how costly homelessness can be, and what a toll it takes on families, especially those with young children.