Piedmont Housing Alliance Helps Judd Reimers Become a Homebuyer in Fluvanna County
Judd Reimers, a firefighter and West Coast native, is proud to have finally planted some roots in Fluvanna County. Judd has been on the East Coast for 10 years and buying his own home was an important step for him. “It’s a necessity these days to be able to put your foot down somewhere,” said Judd. He is the primary caregiver for his mother, who he now lives close to in Lake Monticello.
After receiving a tip from a co-worker, Judd started working with Piedmont Housing Alliance to begin the process of investing in a home. “In today’s economy, it is hard to bank up enough money to put down on a home,” said Judd. He worked diligently with several housing counselors, working hard to reduce his debt and improve his credit. After working for a little more than a year with Piedmont Housing, Judd was able to purchase his beautiful home.
When asked what he would tell other potential homebuyers, Judd said, “Buying a home is quite an undertaking and there are many details to review. Staying for the long haul is important and what needs to happen to get through it.”
Judd closed on his home at the end of October.