Shawna Wells Joins Piedmont Housing as Economic Opportunity Coordinator
Wilshannoa “Shawna” Wells joined Piedmont Housing Alliance in the new role of Economic Opportunity Coordinator (EOC) on March 11.
Shawna joins us with twelve years of experience in employment readiness and retention, case management, and service coordination. She most recently served as Family Outreach Program Case Manager with Valley Community Services Board. Shawna earned her BA in African American Studies and Sociology from the University of Virginia.
The EOC role is based at Friendship Court and Wells will develop and lead our Community Wealth-Building Program, a new multi-faceted initiative that aims to build resident income, household economic resilience, and community opportunities for residents at Friendship Court. Specifically, she will provide financial and employment coaching, create the the HUD FSS program at Friendship Court, connect residents to employment opportunities and related resources, and create workforce development opportunities for residents related to the redevelopment process. She will also connect residents with resources for startups and small businesses.
We are excited to have Shawna join our Housing Counseling and Economic Opportunity team, and in the near future a tiny office will be installed at Friendship Court, thanks to Building Goodness Foundation. Until then, she will be based at the Friendship Court computer lab.