
The Hard Climb to Home Ownership

Many of our clients face an uphill battle in finding an affordable home in this region.  One couple had a two year struggle to locate a home, and at times…

Girls on the Run to Sweet Briar

On Saturday, May 2, the Girls on the Run from Friendship Court will once again be traveling to Sweet Briar College in Amherst, VA for the end of season 5K…

Housing as Commodity

I’ve been trying to figure this out.  As I understand it, we are still recovering from a recession that was largely fueled by the speculation in the mortgage market.  That…

Thanks, Ashley!

This week we say goodbye to our UIP Intern, Ashley Blackwell.  She has done an amazing job for us, and she has an exciting and bright future ahead of her….

Staying Home

As a member of the boomer generation, I see lots of data being slung around about my cohort.  One data point that doesn’t seem to change from study to study…