
Partnership for the Future

When Piedmont Housing Alliance began to plan for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (“STEM”) Academy for Friendship Court Apartments in 2013, little did we know that we would soon…

Thoughtful Co-existence

In a recent story in the New York Times, writer C.J. Hughes surveys a new phenomenon in New York City–building luxury apartments cheek-by-jowl with public housing complexes.  In a city…

SCOTUS Upholds Fair Housing Protections

In the flurry of historic and high profile decisions from the US Supreme Court in June came a decision under the Fair Housing Act that will affect affordable housing developers…

Is Housing Health Care? Take 2.

The homelessness advocacy community has been generating a lot of really interesting data lately.  Not unexpectedly, much of it goes to support the conclusion that permanent housing is the solution…

Housing for those Caught in the Middle

According to this article in  the City of Brotherly Love is responding to the affordable housing shortage by leveraging city owned vacant land.  Philadelphia is trading the value in…