1 in 4 families paying > than 50% for rent=??

05 11 15 Rent high
Pardon my French.

11.25 million households. That’s how many U.S. families are paying more than 50% of their take home pay for housing. As an article in the Minnesota Star Tribune reports, the high cost of rentals is eroding the purchasing power of families to the point that homelessness becomes a common threat.  This cause has now led to the creation of a non-profit, Make Room, which publicizes the issue through celebrity spokespersons.

In the city of Charlottesville alone, the burden of high rents is affecting between 7,000-10,000 families, most of whom are trying to make it on low wage jobs.

While affordable housing is not the only response to this problem, it is the response of Piedmont Housing Alliance.  We currently provide housing to 214 families in apartment homes that are affordable, and our plan is to build more.

Your support can help us ensure that everybody has a place to call home.