Financial Knowledge Means Less Stress

Getting contr04 07 15 Nat. Fin. Cap. Monthol of your finances can be one of the best step you take to reduce stress in your life. This article in the on-line Daily Worth blog gives you eight ways to approach this issue.  One area they discuss is how to talk about money.

Many of my friends grew up with no discussion of money in their families.  As a parent, I can understand the desire to spare children from the worry.  At the same time, sending them out into to world of student loans and trying to rent their own apartment without basic budgeting skills is like putting them on a motorcycle without a helmet.

We all need to get a grasp of the basics.  If you need help with this, the financial counselors here at Piedmont Housing Alliance are ready to walk you through the paces.  You’ll be glad you came.