Girls on the Run at Clark School

11 22 14 They're offAs the parent of now grown children, I can remember thinking about this time of year:  “finally, school is starting again.”  Now, it seems impossible that summer is almost over.  Where has it gone?

Here at Piedmont Housing, the start of school gears us up for some exciting activities at Friendship Court, including our STEM Academy offerings in the Friendship Court computer lab.  In the past, we also have started our Girls on the Run team about this time, but this year, we’re doing things a little differently.

Piedmont Housing is combining forces with Clark School, which also sponsors a GOTR team, and is the elementary school that Friendship Court youngsters attend.  Working with local GOTR liaison Katie Kishore, we already have lined up some great coaches, who will meet with the girls at the school.  Several afternoons a week, they will have training to get ready for their first 5K race, and also group meetings to  prepare them for the difficult challenges they will meet in their teenage years.  We don’t know if they’ll race at Sweet Briar College like they did before, but where ever they race, we know they will give their all.–ktk