Piedmont Housing Alliance Welcomes Two New Board Members, Robert Scott and Hunter Smith

Piedmont Housing Alliance welcomes two new community members to their board, Robert Scott and Hunter Smith.
Robert Scott serves as a physical scientist at the National Ground Intelligence Center in Charlottesville. Robert, a native of Suffolk, Virginia, completed a Master’s of Engineering at the University of Virginia and holds a degree in Chemistry from Norfolk University. Additionally, Robert is the owner of Scott Photography, LLC, where he specializes in portraiture and event photography. Robert’s interest in joining the Piedmont Housing Alliance Board stemmed from the desire to see the housing needs of the community met. In his spare time, Robert enjoys spending time with his family and playing golf. He lives with his wife and two children in Zion Crossroads, Va.
Hunter Smith is the owner of Champion Brewing Company. Smith, as Charlottesville-area business owner, has been a supporter of charitable efforts for the residents of Friendship Court, a property under partial ownership by Piedmont Housing and in the early stages of a redevelopment effort. Champion’s downtown taproom is immediately adjacent to the Friendship Court community. He lives with his wife and two children in the Belmont neighborhood of Charlottesville.
A warm welcome to both Robert and Hunter!